The Receptionists – past

The season of The Receptionists has ended.
Please click here for further shows of the Play series.
The Receptionists is a physical comedy show about customer service by two Finnish female clowns. The two receptionists are fast-talking smooth moving professionals in the hospitality industry. They speak multiple languages, none of which you can understand. Impressively silly and exceptionally charismatic, Inga and Kristiina have a unique and hilarious chemistry which makes the whole experience delightfully bonkers. With exceptionally skilled smiling and some nifty acrobatics the clown duo shows how comical and absurd customer service can get.
More Information:
Duration: 55 minutes
Age Recommendation: 8+
Language: nonverbal
Director & Cast: Inga Björn und Kristiina Tammisalo
Eye from the Outside: Thom Monckton
Light Design: Kauri Klemelä
Sound Design: Esko Mattila
Costume and Stage Design: Gemma Tweedie
Photos: Bambü/Esko Mattila
A Co-Production with the Kallo Collective.
Supported by: Alfred Kordelin Foundation, Helsinki City, Arts Promotion Centre, Cirko – center for new circus.
In collabration with: Dance Theatre Hurjaruuth
About the Company
Kallo Collective is an award-winning physical theatre and contemporary circus company focused on non-verbal productions with comedy at their core. Since 2010 the company’s performances have charmed their audiences touring all over the world. Kallo Collective aims to champion the art of physically based humour by producing a wide range of works, teaching workshops, and producing NouNous Festival – an annual international festival of physical comedy in Helsinki. The Company was founded in 2009 by Finnish artists Jenni Kallo, Sampo Kurppa and the New Zealander Thom Monckton who all studied at the renowned school of Jacques Lecoq in Paris. In 2020 the company was awarded with Finland’s State prize for circus.
In the Press
UK Theatre Web ★★★★
There is much laughter from an engaged and entertained audience
– including me.
It is all terribly inventive. Like the best comedy, it’s not only funny but has more than a grain of truth buried in there. Great fun.
The concept is very simple and the execution superb, making the fiendishly complex seem absurdly easy: it’s a masterclass in physical comedy.
…always expressive, endlessly devastating Inga Bjorn and Kristina Tammisalo – like the Finnish female Laurel and Hardy – are a breath of espresso for anyone who has been trapped in the office for too long