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Danke, Grazie and Thank You! A Look at Play 2024

We successfully wrapped up the second edition of our guest performance series Play and are still filled with many fond memories of this wonderful festival experience. For us, Play is an exciting opportunity to open our theatre even further, to showcase the diversity and versatility of contemporary circus and to connect our audience with the work of new artists. The excited feedback we received in the five weeks of the last Play season allows us to look back on the second edition with pride and encourages us in our desire to present many more Play editions in the future.

We would like to sincerely thank everyone involved in front of, behind and on stage who put so much commitment, passion and hard work into making Play happen. Special thanks go to the Stiftung Deutsche Klassenlotterie, whose support made Play possible in the first place. And our heartfelt thanks go to our guests, who met each show with remarkable openness, curiosity and a sense of adventure. The many conversations before and after the performances showed us not only how great interest in contemporary circus has become, but also the willingness of our audience to engage with its diversity in terms of content and aesthetics.

And of course, last but not least, we would like to take this opportunity to thank our fantastic artists once again: Compagnia Baccalà, Gandini Juggling, Kallo Collective, Chris & Iris, Raum 305, Circus Sonnenstich, A Good Catch and still hungry. We are celebrating 20 years of contemporary circus at the Chamäleon this year and could hardly have imagined a better start to our birthday year.

To capture the special atmosphere of Play, we gave each company a camera at the start of the season and asked them to freely document their time with us. The result was a great mix of snapshots, selfies and memories – we captured the best ones for you here.

Let’s Play!