Cirque Le Roux’ Cinema Circus

Cirque Le Roux’s The Elephant in the Room combines acrobatics with narrative elements and plays with the conventions and aesthetics of old Hollywood films. “I don’t want people to think this is circus,” says director Charlotte Saliou. “No, you get more of an impression that this is theater – and suddenly circus bubbles up.”
How does work on a new performance begin? How do you combine precise acrobatics with the lightness of humor? What can our guests expect when they visit the play? In another episode of our #circusencounters, we spoke with Charlotte Saliou about these very questions to give a little insight into how Cirque Le Roux works.
The Elephant in the Room is at the Chamäleon until June 25, 2022.
The show contains scenes using spoken language, with the performers speaking a mixture of German and English. The plot is easy to understand even without language skills and is told with words as well as acrobatics and physical humor. There will be live translations into German sign language for the performances on April 8th and May 20th.
“Zirkusbegegnungen” is supported by the Fonds Darstellende Künste as part of #TakePart with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.