Farewell from The Mirror

For two months we were allowed to explore new perspectives, to be impressed and convinced that gravity is actually much less important than assumed. With non-stop flowing acrobatic choreographies, the Australian award-winning company Gravity & Other Myths amazed us and also our guests.
The show allows guests to focus at themselves and “think about how you are shaped by the world and the power you have to shape that world yourself,” explains director Darcy Grant in an interview. “I think our work is ultimately about finding ways to say something that words can’t express.”
Now we say goodbye to this fantastic season of The Mirror.
We say thank you and are excited to see on which stages The Mirror will still be seen! We promise, one of them will be the Sydney Opera House soon.
Meanwhile we continue with the second part of the GOM residency. Since November 3rd they are back on the Chamäleon stage with their masterpiece Out Of Chaos.
All information about our program can be found here.
Photo: Andy Phillipson